Sunday, November 20, 2011

Way Beyond Comfort Food / Hello, Again

I know of nothing, material, that evokes greater feelings or fonder memories than food.  We have all heard of comfort food, but the feelings I am talking about go beyond comfort. Sure, comfort might factor into the equation, but the feelings drawn out of you by that one or two certain foods are deeper than that almost visceral.
Have you every eaten some dish that made your heart melt or your knees weak? For me it is sometimes just the smell, or even the thought of certain foods. One of the foods that reaches down to my core and speaks to me is Pho (roughly, pronounced: fuh).
Pho, for those of you that are not in the know, is a Vietnamese soup. It usually a beef (or chicken) based broth that is imbibed with a spice blend that is very unusual for most western soups (star anise, cinnamon, clove, cardamom, and coriander).  Yet these spices provide a delicate balance that helps to meld together the flavors of charred onion, burnt ginger and the pungent but compulsory fish sauce into a beguiling medley.   It is this magical marriage of flavors, a combination of which I never knew existed, which gives this ethereal serum its powers. I mean pho reaches deep down into my soul, grasps it, massages it, and instantly makes me feel safe and at peace. This is way beyond the reach that comfort food can obtain.
This feeling that I am trying to describe escapes words. The dilemma that this elusive word creates is very similar to the one I have when I try to find the words to describe my truest feelings I have for my best friend and soul mate. To say “Love” is what I feel for her seems so feeble an attempt, yet this is the word I default to for lack of a better term.  When it comes to the feeling that pho gives me I, again, have produced nothing but feeble attempts.  The feeling is almost Zen. It is like my body and mind know that even one sip of the broth will heal me from the inside and reset my gimbals, evening out the balance within my universe.
I know that it sounds a bit convoluted, but that is how blown away I am at the power of these types of foods. They are on an entirely different plane than “comfort” foods yet they do provide a comfort and so much more.  They reach out to the soul of the Do you see what I mean? What do we call these foods? I just do not know.  I guess I will have to continue on the quest for the elusive word that describes this feeling of food Zen.  It is a tough job but someone has to do it.
So now, dear reader, it is your turn. What is the food or foods that gives you that feeling?  What dish grabs you by the spine and captivates you, sooths you, tells you that you are right with the universe? Comment to this post and share. Maybe you will enlighten someone who has never felt that rare but oh so powerful feeling.

Chocolate Challenge & Food Safety Update:
Well, hello out there.  I know you all may have given up on me but I swear to you, I missed you all more than you can imagine.  I have been very busy with my career and with school not to mention life in general (six children really keep you running in case you were wondering). In that time I was away, not only was I way busy but I was trying to find myself in the blogosphere. What is my niche? Is it chocolate? Is it family cooking?
Is it outdoors cooking?  Is it the food science angle (look out A.B.)? Do I bring my work home and make it a blog about food safety?  The answer to all of these questions is – “Yes”. I figured this out with the help of my soul-mate/best friend/lovely wife, Maggie (check out her blog – Looking Through a Mommy’s Eyes).   While listening to one of my hundreds of, “What was I meant to do?” whining sessions she stopped me mid whine and reminded me that I write best when I write what I want to write about.  She continued to say that the readers that really want to follow me are the ones that want to follow “me” and all of my crazy food tangents. So that is what you will get – ME.  I will keep writing what I feel is the thing.  The way I see it is, if I was meant to do this it will shake out and find itself.
            So, all of my features like the food safety info/stories and chocolate challenge will start up again (hopefully it will fare better than the lasagna – a 4 on a 10 scale) and I will add any other new features that I come up with. That might even include some you readers think up.

Until next posting, (later this week), God’s speed to you all.

Take care and stay hungry my foodie friends.
Flavorfully yours,
Eric – The FoodSciGuy


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back! Missed your posts! Foods that bring back great memories for me are Homemade bread, pies, donuts, and fried chicken. They all remind my of my Grandma Green who was probably the best cook ever (followed closely by my Aunt Alma - her sister!)

Maggie said...

Awesome post (not that I am biased!) and I could go for some of that Pho.

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